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About Us and Our Logo

Carolinas Captioning & Real-Time Text Service™ provides quality real-time captioning and real-time text service to government agencies, corporations, educational institutions, news organizations, and various other entities. We offer competitive rates and unsurpassed service, but our most important offerings are our attributes, symbolized in our logo.

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse is defined in Webster's Dictionary as a tower or building equipped to guide by means of a powerful light that gives continuous signal. Carolinas Captioning's expertise in quality captioning and transcription will be a constant source to lead you to the right product for your company's needs. Whether it be real-time transcription, text streaming to a webcast, closed captioning (English and Spanish), we will provide you with the right information to help you make your final purchasing choice. By using a staff of captioners from around the country, we are equipped to service our clients always.

This Site

Throughout the web site, you will see we have incorporated a wave, a symbol of force moving powerfully and expeditiously through oscillating matter getting all to move in one direction. Carolinas Captioning will serve as your stronghold as you are faced with the challenges that stem from today's fast-moving pace and ever-growing diversity. With an escalating Latin consumer, coupled with their purchasing power, and the need to distribute information faster than you did it yesterday, Carolinas Captioning will provide accurate and fast translations. Just like the wave, the text we deliver will be a catalyst to empower your employees or community through education to move toward a common goal.