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We have traced my branch of the Belongia family as far back as Francois Sieur Belanger who was born in 1586 in Lisieux, Calvados, Normandie, France. The links below will provide some information about the Belongia family and our ancestors. If you think you may be a family member, please let us know who you are and which branch you represent.
We have new pictures, but we need your help.  Please help us identify (or confirm the identify of) the people in the pictures below.  If you can identify (or confirm the identity of) anyone, please send me an email ( specifying which picture and who is in it.  We appreciate your assistance, in advance.

Got pictures of our ancestors? Please send them to!

Family Photo of Frank & Jane Belanger's family, late 1930's
Family photo from the late 1930's, probably marking the first communion of young Jane.
Back row: Chester, Homer, Sister Bertil (Ruby), Father Byron, Roland
Front row: Frank, young Jane, Jane

Jane Belanger on her 100th Birthday

Jane Belanger's mother, Louise Beland Belanger (close up)

Louis and Louise Belanger, Parents of Jane Belanger

The Carriveau's whose daughter Olive Carriveau married Oliver Belanger, Frank Belanger's older brother.

William O'Connor, father of Mary Frances O'Connor.